
Brit Awards vil droppe kønsbestemte kategorier

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Ændringer i musikindustrien ligger til grund for annonceringen.

Brit Awards vil droppe de mandlige og kvindelige kategorier for at kunne inkludere non-binære kunstnere, ifølge NMEAwards-showet, der finder sted hver februar, vil også fjerne de kønsbestemte kategorier i et forsøg på at afspejle ændringer i musikindustrien. 

Annonceringen skete en uge efter, at Sam Smith udtalte, at han vil tiltales “de” (they), og ikke “han” (he) efter at være sprunget ud som non-binær, eller kønsneutral, tidligere på året.

“Cheferne lytter til ændringer, der sker i industrien. Kategorierne vil udvikle sig i de kommende år,” fortæller en kilde fra musikindustrien til The Sun.

“De mandlige og kvindelige kategorier vil stadig være der til næste februar, men ændringerne er planlagt til det efterfølgende år. Arrangører vil kontakte pladeselskaber og artister for at finde ud af, hvad der passer bedst til fremtiden for Brit Awards-ceremonien.”

Herunder kan du læse Sam Smith annoncering af, at han nu vil tiltales "they/them"

Vis dette opslag på Instagram

Today is a good day so here goes. I’ve decided I am changing my pronouns to THEY/THEM ❤ after a lifetime of being at war with my gender I’ve decided to embrace myself for who I am, inside and out. I’m so excited and privileged to be surrounded by people that support me in this decision but I’ve been very nervous about announcing this because I care too much about what people think but fuck it! I understand there will be many mistakes and mis gendering but all I ask is you please please try. I hope you can see me like I see myself now. Thank you. P.s. I am at no stage just yet to eloquently speak at length about what it means to be non binary but I can’t wait for the day that I am. So for now I just want to be VISIBLE and open. If you have questions and are wondering what this all means I’ll try my best to explain but I have also tagged below the human beings who are fighting the good fight everyday. These are activists and leaders of the non binary/trans community that have helped me and given me so much clarity and understanding. @tomglitter @munroebergdorf @transnormativity @alokvmenon @katemoross @glamrou @travisalabanza @twyrent @chellaman @jvn @lavernecox @stonewalluk @glaad @humanrightscampaign @mermaidsgender Love you all. I’m scared shitless, but feeling super free right now. Be kind x

Et opslag delt af Sam Smith (@samsmith) den